Customer Service

Call Abandonment Rate: What It Is and How to Calculate It?

Call Abandonment Rate: What It Is and How to Calculate It?
Databeys CRM Consultant in Dubai
Customer Service
Databeys CRM Consultant in Dubai
July 2, 2024
Databeys CRM Consultant in Dubai
07 mins to read
Aleeza Aleem

When consumers hang up the phone, it's usually a sign that they're annoyed by lengthy waits or challenging phone menus. Elevated rates of desertion may indicate problems that require attention to enhance both customer satisfaction and operational efficiency.

It is simple to calculate the call abandonment rate. To acquire a percentage, divide the total number of incoming calls by the number of abandoned calls, then multiply the result by 100. Your abandonment rate would be 10%, for instance, if you received 1000 incoming calls in a day and 100 of those were dropped. This straightforward computation aids companies in keeping an eye on the operation of their call centers and making the required modifications to lower customer annoyance and raise satisfaction.

Let’s Know About Call Abandonment Rate

The percentage of callers that hang up before a customer service representative answers is known as the call abandonment rate. This indicates the frequency with which your customer service personnel can resolve their issue before becoming irate and hanging up.

When customers have a query about customer service, 90% of them say they find it "important" or "very important" to receive a prompt response. This indicates that if your call abandonment rate is high, your clients aren't getting enough out of their interactions with you. The greater this percentage is, the greater the number of consumers who have called in feeling dissatisfied and still in need of assistance.

Importance of Call Abandonment Rate

You can handle more calls and give your clients better service if you lower your call abandonment rate. Customers' annoyance and discontent are frequently caused by lengthy wait periods, and this can have a detrimental effect on their loyalty to your company. Customers may hang up and look for assistance elsewhere if they are kept waiting for an extended period of time, which could cost businesses opportunities and money. 

By resolving this problem, the call center may become more effective at meeting client demands and returning calls swiftly. This helps to create lasting relationships and a favorable reputation for your company by increasing customer satisfaction and strengthening their confidence and loyalty in your offerings.

How Can You Calculate the Call Abandonment Rate? 

By following the steps mentioned below, you can easily calculate the call abandonment rate. It is quite simple with these steps, so let’s get started. 

1. Number of Calls You Received

Counting the calls you get over a given time period is the first step in controlling your call abandonment rate. While many companies opt to track their calls on a monthly basis, you are free to select any other period that best suits your needs, such as weekly, annual, or any other time frame. 

You may have a better understanding of your call volume and see any patterns or trends by keeping track of the number of calls made during the selected period. Making educated decisions on hiring, training, and other resources is crucial if you want to boost your call center's productivity and lower the call abandonment rate.

2. Number of Calls You Handled

Subtracting the total number of calls you handled from the total number of calls you have received is the next step. What constitutes a "handled call" could vary throughout businesses. For instance, because the interaction was so brief, some businesses may regard calls lasting less than five seconds as abandoned. 

This is a crucial step because it allows you to identify calls that were handled correctly and those that were terminated prematurely. You may have a better knowledge of your call center's performance and pinpoint areas that require improvement to lower call abandonment and raise customer satisfaction by knowing how many calls were really handled.

3. Divide the Result by Received Calls

After subtracting the number of handled calls from the total calls received, the next step is to calculate the call abandonment rate. Take the difference you found and divide it by the total number of calls received. 

This will give you a decimal value. To convert this into a percentage, simply multiply the decimal by 100. This percentage represents the portion of calls that were abandoned. By doing this, you can clearly see how many callers gave up before getting the help they needed. 

Here’s how the formula looks:

(Call Abandonment Rate) = [(Total Calls Received - Handled Calls) / Total Calls Received] * 100

To Sum Up! 

In conclusion, monitoring and reducing your call abandonment rate is crucial for improving customer satisfaction and operational efficiency. By understanding the number of calls received, identifying which calls were handled, and calculating the abandonment rate, businesses can pinpoint areas that need improvement. Lowering the call abandonment rate ensures that more customers receive timely assistance, leading to enhanced satisfaction and loyalty. Implementing these strategies helps create a more efficient call center, fostering stronger customer relationships and a positive reputation for your business.

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