
How to Authenticate Your Emails Sent from Zoho CRM

How to Authenticate Your Emails Sent from Zoho CRM
Databeys CRM Consultant in Dubai
Databeys CRM Consultant in Dubai
July 19, 2024
Databeys CRM Consultant in Dubai
06 mins to read
Aleeza Aleem

In today's digital landscape, ensuring the authenticity of your emails is crucial for maintaining a strong relationship with your clients and avoiding common pitfalls like spam filters and phishing concerns. Zoho CRM offers robust features to help you authenticate your emails, enhancing your email deliverability and protecting your brand's reputation.

In this blog post, we will guide you through the steps to authenticate your emails sent from Zoho CRM. We will cover essential topics such as SPF (Sender Policy Framework), and DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail). 

Easy Steps to Authenticate Your Emails Sent from Zoho CRM

If businesses want to send emails from Zoho CRM using their domain, Zoho CRM offers email authentication standards that let them boost the credibility of an email's origin. The following authentication standards must be verified in order for emails sent from Zoho CRM to be considered authentic:

Domain Verification

DKIM (Domain Keys Identified Mail) 

Furthermore, it is advised to validate the SPF (Sender Policy Framework).

1. Add Your Company’s Domain or Subdomain

The initial step in email authentication is adding the domains or subdomains of your firm. Ensuring the authenticity and reliability of the domain from which emails are sent is facilitated by domain verification. You must enter the domains or subdomains in Zoho CRM along with the email address of your business in order to make this easier.

To add the domain of your company

1. Select Email Deliverability > Email Authentication under Setup > Channels > Email.

2. Click the + Add Domain button on the Email Authentication tab.

3. Enter the email address on the Add Domain page.

4. To add a domain, click.

2. Verify the Domain Details 

A verification code is generated and delivered to the email address you provide when adding the domain, and it is used to confirm the domain data. The verification email has a 15-day validity period; if that time has passed and you haven't received the email, utilize the Resend Mail link.

To confirm the details of the domain and subdomain

1. Click Enter Code after going to the Domain.

2. Enter the verification code that was sent to your email in the Verify Domain window.

3. Press Verify.

3. Validate all the Records 

Following verification of the domain and subdomain details, you must update your DNS settings to include DKIM (Required) and SPF (Recommended) entries.

To confirm the documents

Go to the Domain and select Records to Validate.

1. Copy the DKIM record code or SPF record code from the Authenticate Domain popup.

2. After obtaining your domain, go to the domain management interface and log in.

3. In the DNS settings, paste the DKIM and SPF codes.

4. Once the codes are uploaded to your DNS settings, click Validate Record in Zoho CRM.

5. After that, your domain will have been correctly authenticated.


To make sure the message hasn't been changed during transmission, DKIM is employed. The emails are authenticated via public key encryption. To improve email deliverability, you must add DKIM records to your domain's DNS settings. 


Sending domains can specify which IP addresses are permitted to send emails on their behalf by using this authentication standard. We advise adding SPF records to your domain in addition to DKIM in order to strengthen defenses against spoofing attempts and assist keep emails coming from your domain from being flagged as spam. 

Final Words

Authenticating your emails sent from Zoho CRM is essential for improving email deliverability and safeguarding your brand's reputation. By following the steps to add and verify your domain, and implementing DKIM and SPF records, you ensure that your emails are trusted and reach your clients' inboxes. These authentication measures not only enhance the credibility of your emails but also protect against spoofing and phishing attempts. Start authenticating your emails today to build stronger, more secure communication with your clients through Zoho CRM.

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